Conference contributions
40. Fortbildungs- und Vortragstagung der Fachgruppe Chemieunterricht, 2024, Regensburg, September 2024
Transparente Teilchensimulation im Chemieunterricht für das vertiefende Verständnis chemischer Prozesse, talk
Einsatz von KI im Chemieunterricht: Vermittlung von Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen mit maschinellem Lernen, poster
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2023, Leipzig, September 2023
Transparente Teilchensimulation im Chemieunterricht für das vertiefende Verständnis chemischer Prozesse,
T. Kraska
Netzwerk digitalisierter Chemieunterricht (NeDiChe) Uni Wuppertal, Mai 2022
Digitalisierung im Chemieunterricht: Algorithmen zur Vermittlung chemischer Inhalte, talk
T. Kraska
GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2019, Aachen, September 2019
Mathematische Modellierung im Chemieunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe, poster
T. Kraska
Carnival Conference Session, Univ. zu Köln, February 2017
Molecular dynamics simulation study of the formation of Carbamazepine nanoparticles by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution (RESS), poster
S. Braun, T. Kraska
Projektkurs "Chemische Quantenmechanik" (Angewandte Didaktik in der Physikalischen Chemie), poster
A. Höhmann, D. Pliev, F. Guddat, S. Völkner, T. Nguyen, L. Kloock, (FCG Düsseldorf), and T. Kraska
VDI Thermodynamik Kolloquium, Kaiserslautern, Oktober 2016
Molecular dynamics simulation study of the formation of Carbamazepine nanoparticles by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution (RESS), poster
S. Braun, T. Kraska
SFB 716: Dynamische Simulation von Systemen mit großen Teilchenzahlen (Universität Stuttgart), Bad Herrenalb, September 2016
Investigation of the Formation of Pharmaceutical Nanoparticles with RESS by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Invited talk
T. Kraska
15th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Essen, May 2016
Investigation Of The Formation Of Pharmaceutical Nanoparticles Within RESS By Means Of Molecular Dynamics Simulation, talk
S. Braun, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung, Rostock, May 2016
Investigation of the formation of pharmaceutical nanoparticles within RESS by means of molecular dynamics simulation, poster
S. Braun, T. Kraska
Short Course "Reacting Flows: Spraying processes for particle formation and conditioning", Heidelberg, November 2014
Molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation and metastable states, talk
T. Kraska
27th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, ESAT 2014, Eindhoven NL, July 2014
Determination of stability limits from simulation and experimental data, talk
S. Braun, A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Chemical and Polymer Physics Division, Dresden, March 2014
Stability limits of n-nonane calculated from MD-interface simulations, poster
S. Braun, A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
Vapor-liquid nucleation of water investigated by molecular dynamics simulation, poster
M. Wagner, T. Kraska
Clustertreffen 2013, Herzogenhorn, Oktober 2013
Molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation, talk
S. Braun, T. Kraska
UNAM Summer School on Material Sciences, Mexico City, June 2013
Molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation, lectures
T. Kraska
19th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols ICNAA , Fort Collins, CO, June 2013
Structuring Effects in Binary Nucleation: Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Coarse-Grained Nucleation Theory, talk
S. Braun, T. Kraska, V. Kalikmanov
workshop "Coupling of Modeling and Experiment for Dynamic Processes in Fine Particle Technology", Hangzhou, China, April 2013
Formation kinetics of metallic and pharmaceutic nano particles investigated by molecular dynamics simulation, talk
T. Kraska
8th Annual European Rheology Conference, Leuven, Belgium, April, 2013
Dynamic of hard cavitation in stretched liquids, poster
A. R. Imre, P. R. Williams, M. S. Barrow, S. Braun, T. Kraska, U. K. Deiters
Symposium "Nano-structure in disperse systems: production, characterization and functionality", KIT, November 2012
Atomistic simulation of nano particle formation in the gas phase
T. Kraska
EQUIFASE2012, Puerto Varas, Chile, October 2012
Global Phase Diagrams, Fundamentals and Applications, keynote lecture
T. Kraska
Industrial use of Molecular Thermodynamics, Lyon, March 2012
Simulation of the RESS process, poster
T. Kraska, M. Türk
85th ACS Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Montreal, June 2011
Nucleation Symposium
Investigation of the nucleation in an expanding system vapor system by molecular dynamics simulation, talk
S. Braun, T. Kraska
Particle Synthesis
Formation of zinc nanoparticles in a carrier gas investigated by molecular dynamics simulation, poster
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung, FU Berlin, June 2011
Binary nucleation: molecular dynamics simulation of the system methane/n-nonane, talk
S. Braun, T. Kraska
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Division Dynamics and Statistical Physics, Dresden, March 2011
Binary nucleation: molecular dynamics simulation of the n-nonane/methane system, talk
S. Braun, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung, Bielefeld, May 2010
Molekulardynamische Simulationen der Keimbildung in binären Systemen, poster
S. Braun, T. Kraska
MD Simulation der Herstellung pharmazeutischer Partikel durch schnelle Expansion einer überkritischen Lösung, poster
F. Römer, T. Kraska
12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Session: Health Science, Graz, May 2010
Supercritical fluids as novel particle formation media: 2-molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation, talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska A comparison between models based on equations of state and density-based models for describing the solubility of solutes in CO2, poster
M. Türk, M. Crone, T. Kraska
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Division Dynamics and Statistical Physics, Regensburg, March 2010
Naproxen particles by RESS: A molecular dynamics study, talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation in binary systems, talk
S. Braun, T. Kraska
EFCE, Processnet, Molecular Modelling and Simulation for Industrial Applications: Physico-Chemical Properties and Processes, Session: Nanoscale Processes, Würzburg, March 2010
Molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution (RESS), talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Processnet, FA Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Fulda, March 2010
Molekulardynamische Simulation des RESS Prozesses, talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska
A comparison between models based on cubic equations of state and density-based models for describing the solubility of solutes in CO2, talk
M. Türk, M. Crone, T. Kraska
Expertenforum Thermodynamik und Ingenieurdaten, Berlin, Oktober 2009
Abschätzung der Spinodalen aus Gleichgewichtsdaten, poster
A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
Molecular Modelling and Simulation in Process Engineering, SPP 1155, Rhine-km 665 to 662, September 2009
Molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation, talk
S. Braun, R. Rozas, B. Fischer, T. Kraska
18th International Conference on Nucleation & Atmospheric Aerosols ICNAA, Prague, August 2009
Formation of pharmaceutical particles by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution investigated by MD simulation, poster
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Summer School in Materials Science and Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Mexico (UNAM) , June 29th to July 3rd 2009
Molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation, 8h lecture
T. Kraska
Seventeenth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, June 2009
A Lennard-Jones Van Der Waals Type Equation of State, talk
S. E. Quiñones-Cisneros , T. Kraska, U. K. Deiters
Bunsentagung 2009, Köln, May 2009
Molecular dynamics simulation of the formation of pharmaceutical particles by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution, talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Interface properties and phase stability of pure bulk phases, poster
T. Kraska, F. Römer, A. R. Imre
Influence of the carrier gas on the Zn particle formation from the vapour phase, poster
S. Braun, F. Römer, T. Kraska
Molekulardynamische Untersuchung der Ostwald-Reifung, poster
T. Kraska
ProcessNet Jahrestreffen des FA Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und des Temporären Arbeitskreises Phytoextrakte, Fraunhofer-Institut UMSICHT, Oberhausen, March 2009
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zur Herstellung von submikronen Wirkstoffpartikeln mit dem RESS-Verfahren, tandem talk
M. Türk, D. Bolten, F. Römer, T. Kraska
Molecular Modelling and Simulation in Process Engineering, SPP 1155, TU Hamburg-Harburg, March 2009
MD investigation of Ostwald ripening, talk
T. Kraska
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, March 2009
MD simulation of the formation of pharmaceutical particles by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution, talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics simulation of Ostwald ripening, poster
T. Kraska
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Februar 2008
Homogeneous nucleation and growth in supersaturated zinc vapour, talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Zinc nano-cluster investigated by Molecular Dynamic Simulations, poster
S. Braun, F. Römer, T. Kraska
Heterogeneous nucleation and growth of high wettable systems studied by molecular dynamics simulation, poster
R. Rozas, T. Kraska Estimation of spinodals in pure fluids from interfacial properties obtained from equilibrium molecular dynamics and lattice Boltzmann simulations, poster
A. R. Imre, G. Mayer, G Hazi, R. Rozas, T. Kraska
International Workshop Molecular Modeling and Simulation in Applied Material Science, Frankfurt, March 2008
MD investigation of the formation of zinc nanoparticles, talk
S. Braun, F. Römer, T. Kraska
9. Kinetikseminar der DGKK, Aachen, March 2008
MD Untersuchung der Ausbildung unterschiedlicher hcp-Oberflächen bei der Bildung von Zinkclustern in der Gasphase, poster
S. Braun, F. Römer, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung, Saarbrücken, May 2008
Molekulardynamische Untersuchung der Bildung und der Eigenschaften von Zink-Nanopartikeln, poster
F. Römer, T. Kraska
MD Untersuchung der Ausbildung unterschiedlicher hcp-Oberflächen bei Zink-Nanopartikeln, poster
S. Braun, F. Römer, T. Kraska Abschätzung der Spinodalen von fluiden Reinstoffen aus Grenzflächneigenschaften: Molekulardynamische und Lattice Boltzmann Simulationen, poster A. R. Imre, G. Mayer, G Hazi, R. Rozas, T. Kraska
European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Cannes, May/June 2008
Determination of the spinodals of pure fluids from interfacial properties: molecular dynamics and Lattice Boltzmann simulations, talk
A. R. Imre, G. Mayer, G Hazi, F. Römer, R. Rozas, T. Kraska
Formation of zinc nanoparticles in a carrier gas investigated by MD: homogenous nucleation and structure formation, poster
F. Römer, T. Kraska
20th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Warsaw, August 2008
Estimation of the Liquid-Vapour Spinodal in Pure Liquids Using Interfacial Properties, talk
A. R. Imre, G. Mayer, G Hazi, R. Rozas, T. Kraska
Mexican German Thematic Workshop, DFG-CONACYT, Mexico-City, August 2008
Molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation, talk
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Non-equilibrium MD simulation of transport properties, talk
T. Kraska
CCP5 annual meeting: Surfaces and interfaces, London, September 2008
The relation of interfacial properties and phase stability, talk
F. Römer, A. Imre, T. Kraska
Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, ProcessNet, VDI/Dechema, Erlangen, September 2008
Vorhersage thermodynamischer Stabilitätsgrenzen aus molekularen Simulationen, talk
F. Römer, R. Rozas, A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
Ein neuer Ansatz zur Modellierung der Oberflächenspannung auf der Grundlage der Friction-Theory, talk
T. Kraska, S. E. Quiñones-Cisneros, U. K. Deiters
6th German-Northkorean Seminar, RWTH Aachen, Oktober 2008
Molecular dynamics simulation of particle formation, talk
T. Kraska
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung, 8. Kinetik Seminar, Bochum, Februar 2007
Sintering and solidification of FePt clusters investigated by MD simulation, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
VDI-GVC, FA Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Mehrphasenströmung , Baden-Baden, März 2007
Korrelation des Diffusionskoeffizienten von organischen Substanzen in überkritischem CO2 auf der Grundlage von Zustandsgleichungen, talk
T. Kraska, S. E. Quiñones-Cisneros, U. K. Deiters
Dechema/VDI-GVC, FA Adsorption, Extraktion, Molekulare Modellierung und Simulation, Asselheim, März 2007
Molecular dynamics simulation of the particle formation from the vapour phase, talk
B. Fischer, N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Interaktive 3D-Visualisierung und Analyse molekulardynamischer Simulation in Virtueller Realität, poster and VR demonstration
T. van Reimersdahl, U. Lang, T. Kraska
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, MM, Regensburg, März 2007
Development of an EAM potential for hcp metals (Ru,Zn), poster
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Platinum deposition on polyethylene films investigated by molecular dynamics simulation, talk
R. Rozas, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics simulation of the formation of iron-platinum clusters, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Thermodynamics 2007, Rueil-Malmaison, France, September 2007
Modelling of surface tension for the Lennard Jones fluid based on friction theory, poster
T. Kraska, S. E. Quiñones-Cisneros, R. Rozas, U. K. Deiters
Extension of the friction theory to the modelling of surface tension, talk
S. E. Quiñones-Cisneros, T. Kraska, R. Rozas, U. K. Deiters
Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, MM, Dresden, March 2006
Molecular dynamics simulation of the nucleation and growth of platinum clusters, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Extended Common Neighbour Analysis for results of molecular dynamics simulation of binary atomic systems, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Investigation of the condensation kinetics of methanol by molecular dynamics simulation, talk
B. Fischer, T. Kraska
Simulation of film growth on polymer substrates, poster
R. Rozas, T. Kraska
3rd International Meeting on High Pressure Chemical Engineering, Erlangen, May 2006
Application of gobal phase diagrams for the investigation of high pressure phase equilibria, poster
T. Kraska
Bunsentagung, Erlangen, May 2006
Homogene Keimbildung im mikrokanonischen Ensemble, poster
T. Kraska
Erweiterte Common Neighbour Analysis zur Bestimmung von Kristallstrukturen in molekulardynamischen Simulationen, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Keimbildung bei der Kondensation von Alkanolen: Direkte Simulation mir der Molekulardynamik, poster
B. Fischer, T. Kraska
Growth mechanisms of films deposited on glassy polymer films, poster
R. Rozas, T. Kraska
XIII International Symposium on Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters ISSPIC XIII, Göteburg, Sweden, July 2006
Molecular dynamics simulation of the nucleation of metal clusters, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Detection of ordered binary structures by an Extended Common Neigbour Analysis, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
THERMO INTERNATIONAL 2006: 16th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, 19th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Boulder CO, USA, July/August 2006
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Metal Particle Formation from Supersaturated Vapors, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Stability limits in Pure Substances and Binary Fluid Mixtures Obtained from Equations of State, talk
A. Imre, T. Kraska
2nd Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology within InterSymp 2006, Baden-Baden, August 2006
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Formation of Nanoparticles, invited talk
T. Kraska
Polymorphism in Condensed Matter, International Workshop, MPI-PKS, Dresden, November 2006
Nucleation of metal clusters by molecular dynamics simulation, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Früjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Metall- und Materialphysik, Berlin, March 2005
Molecular dynamics investigation of the coalescence of iron nanoparticles, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Homogenous nucleation in supersaturated iron vapor, a molecular dynamics study, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Surfaces and Interfaces: Engineering at the Nanoscale, Dechema, March 2005, poster
Molekulardynamische Simulation der Bildung von Nanostrukturen
R. Rozas, N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics with industrial applications, Sesimbra, Portugal, April 2005
Molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation and particle growth from supersaturated vapour phases, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung, Frankfurt/Main, May 2005
Molekulardynamische Untersuchung der Koaleszenz von Eisennanopartikeln, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Molekulardynamische Simulation der homogenen Keimbildung von übersättigten Eisendämpfen, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Keimbildung aus übersättigten Methanolgasphasen: Eine molekulardynamische Studie, poster
B. Fischer, T. Kraska
Heterogene Keimbildung anhand des Modellsystems Argon/Polyethylen, poster
R. Rozas, T. Kraska
CCP5 Annual Meeting, Keele, GB, September 2005
Molecular dynamics simulation of homogeneous nucleation from supersaturated vapour phases, talk
T. Kraska
NATO Advanced Research Workshop Soft Matter under Exogenic Impacts, Odessa, Ukraine, Oktober 2005
Homogeneous nucleation and growth from highly supersaturated vapor investigated by molecular dynamics simulation, talk N. Lümmen, B. Fischer, T. Kraska
GVC-Hochdrucktechnik, Karlsruhe March 2004, talk
Enzymkatalysierte Reaktionen in überkritischem Kohlendioxid
U. Ehrenstein, C. Cinquemani, S. Kabasci, J. Danzig, M. Eckstein, U. Kragl. J. Jurtzik, T. Kraska
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Fachverband Metallphysik, March 2004, Regensburg, talk
Investigation of the formation of iron nano-particles from the gas phase by molecular dynamics simulation N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters, TAMC4, April 2004, Toulouse, poster
Influence of the carrier gas on the formation of iron nanoparticles from the gas phase: a molecular dynamics simulation study
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung, May 2004, Dresden, talk
Phasenbildungskinetik von flüssigem Methanol aus der homogenen Gasphase: Eine molekulardynamische Studie
B. Fischer, T. Kraska
9th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, June 2004, Trieste, Italy, poster
Effect of the phase behaviour of solvent-antisolvent systems in gas-antisolvent crystallisation
A. Weber, L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska, R. Kümmel
11th International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena, Aveiro, Portugal, July 2004, talk
Indirect methods for the mapping of the liquid-liquid locus under negative pressure
A. R. Imre, S. J. Rzoska, A. Drozd-Rzoska and T. Kraska
DFG-Kolloquium, Molekulare Modellierung, Stuttgart, Sept. 2004, talk
Molecular dynamics investigation of the gas-liquid phase transition of molecular fluids
B. Fischer and T. Kraska
Dechema Workshop: Molecular Modelling für chemisch-technische Anwendungen, Sept. 2004, poster
Influence of the carrier gas on the formation of iron particles from the gas phase investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
N. Lümmen and T. Kraska
Fraunhofer UMSICHT Workshop: Modellierung partikeltechnischer Prozesse, Oberhausen, Sept. 2004, talk
Modellierung von Keimbildungspozessen bei der Produktion von Feststoffpartikeln mit molekularen Simulationsmethoden
T. Kraska
DECHEMA/GVC-Jahrestagung 2004, Karlsruhe, Oct. 2004
Molekulardynamische Simulation der Partikelbildung aus der Gasphase, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Entwicklung technischer Prozesse zur Durchführung enzymatisch katalysierter Reaktionen in überkritischen Fluiden, poster
U. Ehrenstein, S. Kabasci, M. Eckstein, U. Kragl, J. Jurtzik, T. Kraska
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Fachverband Metallphysik, März 2003, Dresden
Molekulardynamische Simulation der Entstehung von Eisen-Nanopartikeln, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
DFG-OTKA Workshop on Promoting Hungarian-German Cooperations in Physics, May 2003, Budapest
Fluid-fluid phase transitions in pure and binary liquids, poster
T. Kraska, L. V. Yelash, A. R. Imre, G. Hazi, G. Mayer
Bunsentagung 2003, May 2003, Kiel Molekulardynamische Untersuchung der Entstehung von Eisen-Nanopartikeln, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Molekulardynamische Untersuchung der Keimbildung in Methanol-Dämpfen, poster
B. Fischer, T. Kraska
15th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties 2003, Boulder, Colorado, talk
Investigation of the Formation of Iron Nano-Particles by Molecular Dynamics Simulations N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
3rd International Workshop on Global Phase Diagrams, Sept. 2003, Odessa, Ukraine
Structure of equations of state, talk
T. Kraska
Lattice Boltzmann and molecular dynamics simulation: on the size of mesoscopic systems state, poster
G. Mayer, G. Hazi, A. R. Imre, B. Fischer, J. Pales, T. Kraska
International Workshop on Polymer/Metal Nanocomposites Sept. 2003, Kiel, poster
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Formation of Metal Nano-Particles
N. Lümmen, R. Rozas, T. Kraska
20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics ESAT, October 2003
Molecular dynamics investigations of the formation of iron nano-particles, talk
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Investigation of the condensation kinetics of methanol by molecular dynamics simulation, poster B. Fischer, T. Kraska
The effect of volume translation on cubic equations of state, poster
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Symposium 15 years of the SAFT equation, Dec. 2003, Barcelona, poster
Mathematical simplifications of chain-SAFT and other molecular equations of state models
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung May 2002, Potsdam, talk
Scheinbare Exponenten der Kettenlängenabhängigkeit des kritischen Volumenbruchs in Polymerlösungen
T. Kraska, L. V. Yelash, A. R. Imre, S. J. Rzoska
XIV International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia, July 2002, Saint Petersburg, talks
Correlation of the solubility of low-volatile organic compounds in near- and supercritical fluids
T. Kraska, K. O. Leonhard, D. Tuma, G. M. Schneider
Exponents of the chain length dependence investigated with a molecular-based equation-of-state model
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska, A. R. Imre, S. J. Rzoska
NRW-Verbundprojekt, Halbzeittreffen, July 2002, Vaals, NL, talk
Molekulardynamische Simulationen der Entstehung von Eisen-Partikeln
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
MACRO 2002 IUPAC World Polymer Congress (39th International Symposium on Macromolecules), July 2002, Beijing, China
Chain length dependence of the critical concentration in chain-molecule solutions
A. R. Imre, T. Kraska, S. J. Rzoska, L. V. Yelash
17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, July/August 2002, Rostock, Germany
A Simplified Molecular Based Semi-Empirical Equation of State, poster
M. H. Mousazadeh , T. Kraska A correlation equation for the chain length dependence of the critical volume fraction, talk
L. V. Yelash, A. R. Imre, S. J. Rzoska, T. Kraska
International Workshop on Complex Systems in Natural an Social Sciences (CSNSS 02) September 2002
Liquids Under Absolute Negative Pressure
A. R. Imre, A. Drozd-Rzoska, T. Kraska, R. J. Rzoska, L. V. Yelash
DECHEMA Workshop on Molecular Modelling in Life Science and Material Research, Dezember 2002, Frankfurt am Main
Molecular Dynamics Investigation of the Formation of Iron Nano-Particles, poster
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
2nd International Meeting on High Pressure Chemical Engineering, March 2001, Hamburg, Germany, talk
Correlation of the solubility of low-volatile organic compounds in near- and supercritical fluids: applications to adamantane and beta-carotene
T. Kraska, K. Leonhard, D. Tuma, G. M. Schneider
17th Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics with Industrial Applications, April 2001, Bristol, UK, talk
Equation of state for simple model fluids and complex phase behaviour
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
9th International Conference of Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Kurashiki, Japan, May 2001, poster
Correlation of the solubility of low-volatile organic compounds in near- and supercritical fluids: Applications to Disperse Red 60 and two disubstituted anthraquinones
T. Kraska, K. Leonhard, D. Tuma, G. M. Schneider
Bunsentagung 2001, Stuttgart, May 2001, talk
Untersuchung des Einflusses von Additiven auf das Phasenverhalten in globalen Phasendiagrammen
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
76th International Bunsen Discussion Meeting Global Phase Diagrams, August 2001, Walberberg
The effect of pressure on the liquid-liquid phase equilibrium of a blend of two polydisperse polyalkylsiloxanes, talk
A. R. Imre, T. Kraska, L. V. Yelash
Isothermal vapor-liquid equilibria of binary systems of carbon dioxide and 1-butyne, compared to other binary C4-CO2-systems in terms of global parameters, poster
M. Bardas, N. Dahmen, T. Kraska, K.-D. Wagner, L. V. Yelash
Unnoticed pitfalls in traditional equations of state, poster
A. Mejía, H. Segura, T. Kraska, J. Wisniak, I. Polishuk
Jülich Soft Matter Days, Rolduc, NL, November 2001, poster
Exponents of the chain length dependence of the volume fraction in critical polymer solutions
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska, A. R. Imre, S. J. Rzoska
Pitzer Memorial Symposium 2000, Berkeley, poster
Global phase behaviour of molecular fluids
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Winterschool Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry, 2000, Jülich, poster
Ab initio Monte Carlo simulations of neon and argon
K. Leonhard, T. Kraska, U. K. Deiters
Chemiedozententagung 2000, Regensburg, talk
Systematische Untersuchung des Einflusses von Additiven auf die Löslichkeit von Polymeren
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Makromolekulare Chemie der GDCh 2000, Merseburg, poster
Einfluß von Additiven auf die Löslichkeit von Polymeren, untersucht mit der Methode der globalen Phasendiagramme L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung 2000, Würzburg, talk
Eine einfache Abbildungsgleichung für störungstheoretisch abgeleitete Modellgleichungen
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
ESAT 2000, Kutna Hora, Tschechische Republik, posters
Simple molecular based equations of state
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Investigation of the ability of van der Waals-type and Carnahan-Starling-type equations of state to predict phase equilibria in pure compounds and in binary mixtures
I. Polishuk, J. Wisniak, H. Segura, L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
14th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties 2000, Boulder, Colorado, talks Simple and physically based equations of state
L. V. Yelash, K. Leonhard, T. Kraska
Systematic investigation of the influence of additives on polymer solution
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
16th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics 2000, Halifax, talks
A mapping equation of state: Application to perturbation theories for chain and dipolar fluids
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
The Internet as Lecture Demonstration Tool
T. Kraska
7th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, December 2000, Antibes/Juan-Les-Pins, France, talks
Systematic investigation of the influence of additives on polymer solution in phase diagrams L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
A closer look at gas antisolvent crystallization
A. Weber, R. Kümmel, T. Kraska
6th Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Nottingham 1999, poster
Development of physically based equations of state with a simple mathematical structure
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Chemiedozententagung 1999, Oldenburg, talk
Vereinfachte Repulsions- und Attraktionsterme für thermische Zustandsgleichungen
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
77th Bunsenkolloquium 1999, Walberberg, talk
From global phase diagrams to new optimized equations of state
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
77th Bunsenkolloquium 1999, Walberberg, poster
Mechanisms of the 4-phase equilibrium in binary fluid mixtures
L. Z. Boshkov, L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska, U. K. Deiters
Bunsentagung 1999, Dortmund, poster
Entwicklung einfacher und physikalisch fundierter Zustandsgleichungen
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
GDCh Hauptversammlung 1999, Berlin, poster
New Aspects of Developing Equations of State L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Jungchemikerforum 1999, Paderborn, talk
Untersuchung von Polymerlöslichkeiten auf Basis einfacher theoretischer Zustandsgleichungen mit der Methode der globalen Phasendiagramme
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Chemiedozententagung 1998, Essen, talk
Topologische und physikalische Ursachen der geschlossenen Flüssig-Flüssig-Mischungslücken
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Bunsentagung 1998, Münster, talk
Topologische und physikalische Ursachen der geschlossenen Flüssig-Flüssig-Mischungslücken L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
5th Liblice Conference on Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Zelezna Ruda, Tschechische Republik, 1998, poster
Liquid-liquid closed-loops: From the origin to their vanishing
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
15th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics 1998, Porto, talk
The influence of the repulsion term on the global phase diagram of the hard-sphere van der Waals fluid L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska, U. K. Deiters
AIChE Annual Meeting 1998, Miami Beach, talk
Global Phase Diagrams: a Guide through Binary Fluid Phase Behaviour
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska, U. K. Deiters