MNU Journal, in press
T. Kraska
Das stromlose Perzeptron — Stift-und-Papier-Einführung eines einfachen
Algorithmus des maschinellen Lernens
(The unplugged perceptron — pen and paper introduction of a simple
algorithm of machine learning)
Buchkapitel (2024)
T. Kraska
Transparente Teilchensimulation im Chemieunterricht für das vertiefende Verständnis chemischer Prozesse unter Nutzung des Computational Thinking
In: Claudia Bohrmann-Linde, Nico Meuter, Diana Zeller (Hrgs.) (2024), Netzwerk Digitalisierter Chemieunterricht. Sammelband NeDiChe-Treff 2022 download pdf
Supporting Information
MNU Journal, Ausgabe 1, S. 71-76 (2024)
T. Kraska
„Die Kunhschen Knäuel sind uns hier ein Gräuel“ – Paradigmenwechsel durch Teilchensimulation im Chemieunterricht
Artikel pdf
Online Ergänzungen
CHEMKON, 30, 341-348 (2023)
T. Kraska
Glass-Box molekulardynamische Simulationen zur Vermittlung der van der Waals-Wechselwirkung
Glass-box molecular dynamics simulation for teaching the van der Waals interaction
High-Pressure Fluid Phase Equilibria, Phenomenology and Computation
2nd Edition, Volume 2 - (2023)
U. K. Deiters, T. Kraska
ISBN: 9780443132803
Physics Education, 58, 065010 (2023)
T. Kraska
Particle simulations for inquiry-based teaching of polymer shape and entropic elasticity using computational thinking
CHEMKON 30, 109-116 (2023)
T. Kraska
Wellenmechanische Grundlagen für die Quantenchemie in der Oberstufe
Wave mechanics fundaments for quantum chemistry in secondary education
J. Chem. Educ. 99, 2026-2031 (2022)
T. Kraska
A simulation game illustrating the density-Le Chatelier effect on a chemical equilibrium of the type A=2B
CHEMKON 28, 353-355 (2021)
T. Kraska
Kommentar zu dem Artikel „Eine Bälleschlacht, das Massenwirkungsgesetz und Le Chatelier – eine tragfähige Analogie für den Unterricht zum dynamischen Gleichgewicht. Einladung zur Diskussion und Weiterentwicklung“
CHEMKON 28, 299-304 (2021)
T. Kraska
Digitalisierung und informatisches Denken im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht der Unterstufe am Beispiel der Papierchromatographie
Digitalization and computational thinking in lower secondary science education using the example of paper chromatography
CHEMKON 28, 112-121 (2021)
T. Kraska
Mathematische Modellierung im Chemieunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe: Chemische Kinetik
Mathematical modelling in high school chemistry: chemical kinetics
World J. Chem. Educ. 8, 114-121 (2020)
T. Kraska
Mathematical modeling in secondary chemistry education: Chromatography
J. Chem. Educ. 97, 1951–1959 (2020)
T. Kraska
Establishing a Connection for Students between the Reacting System and the Particle Model with Games and Stochastic Simulations of the Arrhenius Equation
CHEMKON 27, 232-243 (2020)
T. Kraska
Mathematische Modellierung im Chemieunterricht der gymnasialen Oberstufe: Titrationskurven
Mathematical modelling in high school chemistry: Titration curves
Z. Phys. Chem., 233, 471 (2019)
K. Leonhard and T. Kraska
Editorial, Congratulations to Ulrich Deiters
CHEMKON 26, 250-260 (2019)
T. Kraska
Quantenmechanik im Chemieunterricht: Das lineare und das zyklische Kastenmodell angewandt auf Farbstoffe und Aromaten
Quantum mechanics in chemistry class: the linear and the cyclic particle in a box model applied to dyes and aromats
Environmental Earth Sciences, 73, 4373 (2015)
A. R. Imre, C. Ramboz, U.K. Deiters and T. Kraska
Anomalous fluid properties of carbon dioxide in the supercritical region - Application to geological CO2 storage and related hazards
J. Chem. Phys. 140, 124305 (2014)
S. Braun, V.I. Kalikmanov, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics simulation of nucleation in the binary mixture n-nonane/methane
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prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
International Journal of Thermophysics, 34, 2053-2064 (2013)
A.R. Imre, A. Baranyai, U. K. Deiters, P.T. Kiss, T. Kraska, and S. E. Quinones Cisneross
Estimation of the Thermodynamic Limit of Overheating for Bulk Water from Interfacial Properties
J. Chem. Phys. 138, 244710 (2013)
S. Braun, A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
Stability limits of n-nonane calculated from molecular dynamics interface simulations
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This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires
prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
In: V. I. Kalikmanov, Nucleation Theory, ISBN 978-90-481-3642-1
Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, The Netherlands, Chapter 8 (2012)
T. Kraska
Computer simulations of nucleation
got to the book
Nuclear Engineering Design, 252, 179 (2012)
A. R. Imre, U.K. Deiters, T. Kraska, I. Tiselj
The pseudocritical region for supercritical water
J. Chem. Phys. 136, 214506 (2012)
S. Braun, T. Kraska
Dynamic structure of methane/n-nonane clusters during nucleation and growth
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This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires
prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
High-Pressure Fluid Phase Equilibria
Phenomenology and Computation, 1st ed.
Ulrich K. Deiters and Thomas Kraska
Elsevier (2012)
got to the book
Molecular Simulation, 38, 152-160 (2012)
F. Römer, T. Kraska
A force field for naproxen
Soft Materials, 10, 130-152 (2012)
F. Römer, B. Fischer, T. Kraska
Investigation of the nucleation and growth of methanol clusters from supersaturated vapour by molecular dynamics simulations
J. Supercritical Fluids, Van der Waals Special Issue, 55, 462-471 (2010)
M. Türk, M. Crone, T. Kraska
A comparison between models based on equations of state and density-based models for describing the solubility of solutes in CO2
J. Supercritical Fluids, Van der Waals Special Issue, 55, 769-777 (2010)
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics simulation of the formation of pharmaceutical particles by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution
Nuclear Engineering Design, 240, 1569-1574 (2010)
A. R. Imre, I. F. Barna, G. Ezsol, G. Hazi, T. Kraska
Theoretical study of flashing and water hammer in a supercritical water cycle during pressure drop
J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 19028-19038 (2009)
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Naphthalene Particle Formation by Rapid Expansion of a Supercritical Solution
J. Chem. Phys. 131, 064308 (2009)
S. Braun, F. Römer, T. Kraska
Influence of the carrier gas molar mass on the particle formation in a vapor phase
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prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
Fluid Phase Equilibria 284, 31-37 (2009)
A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
Estimation of spinodals from the density profile of the vapor-liquid interface
J. Chem. Eng. Data 54, 1569-1574 (2009)
T. Kraska, A. R. Imre, S. J. Rzoska
Miscibility Holes and Continuous Liquid-Liquid Miscibility Curves in Type III and IV Systems
J. Chem. Eng. Data 54, 1592-1597 (2009)
T. Kraska, M. Türk
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the phase behaviour of naproxen in supercritical CO2
J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 4688-4697 (2009)
T. Kraska, F. Römer, A. R. Imre
The relation of interface properties and bulk phase stability: MD simulation of carbon dioxide
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 4039-4050 (2009) technical note
F. Römer, S. Braun, T. Kraska
Development of an EAM (Embedded Atom Method) potential for zinc and its application to the growth of nano-particles
J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 3504-3511 (2009)
S. Quiñones-Cisneros, U. K. Deiters, R. Rozas, T. Kraska
A new model for the correlation of the surface tension based on friction theory
J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 12408-12413 (2008)
T. Kraska
Direct observation of single Ostwald ripening processes by molecular dynamics simulation
Physica B 403, 3663-3666 (2008)
A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
Liquid-vapour spinodal of pure helium-4
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354, 4157-4162 (2008)
A. R. Imre, A. Drozd-Rzoska, A. Horvath, T. Kraska, S. J. Rzoska
Solid-fluid phase transitions under extreme pressures including negative ones
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 244104 (2008)
A. R. Imre, A. Drozd-Rzoska, T Kraska, S. J. Rzoska, K. W. Wojciechowski Spinodal strength of liquids, solids and glasses
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 124506 (2008)
V. I. Kalikmanov, J. Wölk, T. Kraska
Argon nucleation: bringing together theory, simulations and experiment
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prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
J. Chem. Phys. 128, 114708 (2008)
A. R. Imre, G. Mayer, G Hazi, R. Rozas, T. Kraska
Estimation of the liquid-vapor spinodal from interfacial properties obtained from molecular dynamics and lattice Boltzmann simulations
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prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
Phys. Rev. B 77, 045425 (2008)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Solidification kinetics of Fe0.5Pt0.5 clusters in an Ar carrier gas: Molecular dynamics simulations
J. Chem. Phys. 127, 234509 (2007)
F. Römer, T. Kraska
Homogeneous nucleation and growth in supersaturated zinc vapor investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 15784 (2007)
R. Rozas, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics simulation of heterogeneous nucleation and growth of argon at polyethylene films
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 149, 57 (2007)
R. Rozas, N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Structure formation of metallic nano-particles in the vapour phase and in disperse materials
Nanotechnology 18, 165706 (2007)
R. Rozas, T. Kraska
Formation of metal nano-particles on and in polymer films investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
J. Supercrit. Fluids 42, 212-218 (2007)
T. Kraska, S. E. Quiñones-Cisneros, U. K. Deiters
Correlation of binary diffusion coefficients of organic substances in supercritical carbon dioxide based on equations of state
Model. Sim. Mater. Sci. Eng. 15, 319-334 (2007)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Common Neighbour Analysis for binary atomic systems
Eur. Phys. J. D 41, 247-260 (2007)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Homogeneous nucleation in iron-platinum vapour investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
J. Chem. Phys. 124, 054507 (2006)
T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics simulation of argon nucleation from supersaturated vapor in the NVE ensemble
Comp. Mat. Sci. 35, 210-215 (2006)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Influence of the carrier gas on the formation of iron nano-particles from the gas phase: a molecular dynamics simulation study
J. Mat. Sci. 41, 1547-1556 (2006)
T. Kraska, D. Tuma
High-pressure phase equilibria in binary and ternary mixtures with one near- or supercritical and one high-molecular component. New insights for application and theory
Nanotechnology 16, 2870-2877 (2005)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics investigation of homogeneous nucleation and cluster growth of platinum clusters from supersaturated vapour
J. Aerosol Sci. 36, 1409-1426 (2005)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Homogeneous nucleation of iron from supersaturated vapour investigated by molecular dynamics simulation
Phys. Rev. B 71, 205403 (2005)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Molecular dynamics investigations of the coalescence of iron clusters embedded in an inert gas heat bath
J. Chem. Phys. 122, 064507 (2005)
A. R. Imre, T. Kraska
Stability limits in binary fluids mixtures
J. Supercrit. Fluids 33, 107-113 (2005)
A. Weber, L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Effect of the phase behaviour of the solvent-antisolvent systems on the gas antisolvent crystallisation of paracetamol
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 43, 6213-6221 (2004)
T. Kraska
Stability limits of pure substances: an investigation based on equations of state
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 15, 1049-1060 (2004)
G. Mayer, G Hazi, J. Pales, A. R. Imre, B. Fischer, T. Kraska
On the system size of lattice Boltzmann simulations
Nanotechnology, 15, 525-533 (2004)
N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Investigation of the formation of iron nano-particles from the gas phase by molecular dynamics simulation
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 15, 459-469 (2004)
G. Mayer, G Hazi, A. R. Imre, T. Kraska, L. V. Yelash
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of vapour-liquid equilibrium on 3D finite lattice
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 217, 227-231 (2004)
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
A simple correlation equation for the chain length dependence of the critical volume fraction in polymer solutions and blends
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 43, 237-242 (2004)
A. R. Imre, Y. C. Bae, B. H. Chang, T. Kraska
A semi-empirical method for the prediction of the Theta-Lower Solution Boundary Temperature in polymer solutions
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 42, 5662-5673 (2003)
H. Segura, T. Kraska, A. Meija, J. Wisniak, I. Polishuk
Unnoticed Pitfalls of Soave-type alpha Functions in Cubic Equations of State
J. Chem. Phys. 118, 6110-6119 (2003)
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska, A. R. Imre, S. J. Rzoska
Apparent exponents of the chain length dependence of the volume fraction in critical polymer solutions
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prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 77, Suppl. 1, 51-57 (2003)
T. Kraska, J. Jurtzik, D. Tuma, G. M. Schneider
Correlation of the solubility of low-volatile organic compounds in near- and supercritical fluids: anthraquinone dyes in CO2 and N2O
AIChE Journal, 49, 1569-1579 (2003)
L. V. Yelash, T. Kraska
Volume translated equations of state: empirical approach and physical relevance
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 41, 4414-4421 (2002)
I. Polishuk, J. Wisniak, H. Segura, T. Kraska
About the Relation between the Empirical and Theoretically Based Parts of van der Waals-Like Equations of state.
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 194-197, 469-482 (2002)
T. Kraska, K. Leonhard, D. Tuma, G. M. Schneider
Correlation of the solubility of low-volatile organic compounds in near- and supercritical fluids. Part II: applications to disperse red 60 and two disubstituted anthraquinones
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4, 987-991 (2002)
M. Bardas, N. Dahmen, T. Kraska, K.-D. Wagner, L. V. Yelash
Isothermal Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Binary Systems of Carbon Dioxide and 1-Butyne, Compared to Other Binary CO2+C4Hn Systems in Terms of Global Parameters
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4, 992-1001 (2002)
A. Imre, T. Kraska, L. V. Yelash
The effect of pressure on the liquid-liquid phase equilibrium of two polydisperse polyalkylsiloxane blends"
front cover Vol. 4 Issue 6 (2002)
J. Supercritical Fluids, 23, 209-224 (2002)
T. Kraska, K. Leonhard, D. Tuma, G. M. Schneider
Correlation of the solubility of low-volatile organic compounds in near- and supercritical fluids. Part I: Applications to adamantane and beta-carotene
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3, 3114-3118 (2001)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
A generic equation of state for the hard-sphere fluid incorporating the high density limit
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 182, 27-36 (2001)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
Mapping of theoretical equations of state for molecular fluids on a biquadratic equation
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 4734-4739 (2000)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
A mapping equation of state: development for the dipolar hard sphere fluid
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 172,1-26 (2000)
Ilya Polishuk, Jaime Wisniak, Hugo Segura, Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
Prediction of the critical locus on binary mixtures using equation of state: II. Investigation of van der Waals-type and Carnahan-Starling-type equations of state
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1, 4919-4925 (1999)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska, Erich A. Müller, Norman F. Carnahan
Simplified equation of state for non-spherical hard particles: an optimized shape factor approach
front cover Vol. 1 Issue 18 (1999)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1, 4315-4322 (1999)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
The global phase behaviour of binary mixtures of chain molecules: theory and application
J. Supercritical Fluids, 16, 1-10 (1999)
Kai Leonhard, Thomas Kraska
An equation of state describing the critical region: extension to high pressure
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 162, 115-130 (1999)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
Investigation of a generalized attraction term of an equation of state and its influence on the phase behaviour
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1, 2449-2455, (1999)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
Statistical Associating Fluid Theory for chains of attractive hard-spheres: optimized equation of state
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1, 307-311, (1999)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
On closed-loop liquid-liquid immiscibility
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 3079-3084 (1999)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska, Ulrich K. Deiters
Closed-loop critical curves in simple hard-sphere van der Waals-fluid models consistent with the packing fraction limit
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prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
Z. Phys. Chem. 211, 159-179 (1999)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
Co-volume effects on the closed-loop liquid-liquid immiscibility in binary fluid mixtures
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 102, 213-223, (1998)
Leonid V. Yelash, Thomas Kraska
Closed-loops of liquid-liquid immiscibility in binary mixtures of equal sized molecules predicted with a simple theoretical equation of state.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 35, 4727-4737, (1996)
Thomas Kraska, Keith E. Gubbins
Phase equilibria calculations with a modified SAFT equation of state: I) Pure alkanes, alkanols and water.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 35, 4738-4746, (1996)
Thomas Kraska, Keith E. Gubbins
Phase equilibria calculations with a modified SAFT equation of state: II) Binary mixtures of n-alkanes, 1-alkanols and water
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 100, 1318-1327 (1996)
Thomas Kraska
Systematic investigation of the global phase behavior of associating binary fluid mixtures: I. Mixtures containing one self-associating substance.
Int. J. Thermophys. 15, 261–281 (1994)
Thomas Kraska, Ulrich K. Deiters
An equation of state for pure fluids describing the critical region.
J. Chem. Phys. 96, 539–547 (1992)
Thomas Kraska, Ulrich K. Deiters
Systematic investigation of the phase behavior in binary fluid mixtures. II. Calculations based on the Carnahan–Starling–Redlich–Kwong equation of state
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prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in
Journal of Chemical Physics and may be found at the DOI link above.
Book Chapters
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Complex Systems in Natural and Social Sciences (CSNSS 02) (2003)
A. R. Imre, A. Drozd-Rzoska, T. Kraska, S. J. Rzoska, L. V. Yelash
Liquids Under Absolute Negative Pressure
Supercritical Fluids as Solvents and Reaction Media
G. Brunner (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (2004)
T. Kraska, K. O. Leonhard, J. Jurtzik, D. Tuma, G. M. Schneider
Correlation of the solubility of low-volatile organic compounds in near- and supercritical fluids based on an accurate equation of state
Supercritical Fluids as Solvents and Reaction Media
G. Brunner (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (2004)
L. V. Yelash and T. Kraska
Development of simplified equation of state for molecular fluids and applications for the investigation of supercritical chain molecule solutions and mixtures
Supercritical Fluids as Solvents and Reaction Media
G. Brunner (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam (2004)
A. Weber, R. Kümmel, T. Kraska
Investigation and modeling of the gas antisolvent process
Nonlinear Dielectric Phenomena in Complex Liquids, NATO Science Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht
S. J. Rzoska and V. Zhelezny (eds.) (2004)
A. R. Imre, A. Drozd-Rzoska, T. Kraska, K. Martinas, L. P.N . Rebelo, S. J. Rzoska, Z. P Visak and L.V. Yelash
Phase equilibrium in complex liquids under negative pressure
Soft Matter Under Exogenic Impacts: Fundamentals and Emerging Technologies, NATO Science Series
S. J. Rzoska and V. A. Mazur (eds.) (2006)
B. Fischer, N. Lümmen, T. Kraska
Homogenous nucleation and growth from highly supersaturated vapour by molecular dynamics simulation
Soft Matter Under Exogenic Impacts: Fundamentals and Emerging Technologies, NATO Science Series
S. J. Rzoska and V. A. Mazur (eds.) (2006)
A. R. Imre, A. Drozd-Rzoska, T. Kraska, S. J. Rzoska
Indirect methods to study liquid-liquid miscibility in binary liquids under negative pressure
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols
Eds.: J. Smolik, C. O'Dowd, ISBN 978-80-02-12161-2 (2009) F. Römer, T. Kraska
Formation of pharmaceutical particles by rapid expansion of a supercritical solution investigated by MD simulation
NATO Science Series: Metastable Systems Under Pressure
Eds.: S.J. Rzoska and V.A. Mazur, Springer, pp.271-278 (2010)
A. R. Imre, G. Hazi, T. Kraska
Estimation of the explosive boiling limit of metastable liquids
RRZK-Kompass Nr. 100, Februar (2004)
T. Lange, C. Hellweg, B. Fischer, N. Lümmen, R. Rozas, T. Kraska,
Installation und der Betrieb eines Beowulf Clusters in der Physikalischen Chemie
Forschungsbericht Multimedia, pp. 127–131, Universität zu Köln (1997)
Verbindung zwischen Forschung und Lehre durch den Einsatz neuer Medien.